Last Sunday and Monday (15 and 16/12) saw local gamekeepers
and farmers patrol with officers around rural Wokingham for a couple of evenings
of combating rural crime.
On the west side of the Wokingham local policing area, seven
members of the public patrolled with the officers after attending a briefing at
7.30pm at the Finchampstead Memorial Hall.
Although there wasn’t much to report on throughout the first
evening (due to the pouring rain, most likely), a couple of suspicious vehicles
were stopped and checked but all was in order. One man who was stopped, was
actually pleased to see the crew out checking vehicles as his father had
recently been a victim of theft from his van.
By 1am, everyone gathered back at the hall for a debrief and
overall everyone enjoyed the evening and a few even wanted to continue
throughout the night!
Throughout the second evening, the crews received a report
from a resident about a suspicious vehicle racing around the lanes at Carter’s
Hill in Arborfield.
A couple of weeks ago, a Thames Valley Alert was sent out to
gamekeepers and landowners in the area which allowed the Reading University
Gamekeepers to be involved in the operation and provide some important
intelligence about what has been happening on their land.
While patrolling their land, the Reading Uni gamekeepers
reported a suspicious vehicle on their private land. It turned out the vehicle
in question had been reported previously for poaching and had been causing a
nuisance to local landowners. The crew attended and the vehicle was seized.
Other vehicles using all the byways were all stopped and
Rural specialist officer PCSO Suzie Carr said: “The feedback
from the rural community is very positive and as some of them have joined us
now for the third time, encouraging.
“It is seen as a very positive step forward in the fight
against rural crime. It is great that everyone is realising the local community
have a part to play in assisting police to catch the people that commit these
rural crimes.”
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